SBC Innovations

Core Capabilities


Enterprise Data Management

Our Database administrators are particularly strategic and manipulative in their practice of managing ranges of…



SBC Innovations builds flexible, reliable and secure IT Infrastructures that assists enterprises by giving them a competitve edge within their specific market…


Cloud Migration

The skilled talents we’ve recruited are experts in the sector of cloud migration. They’ve developed scalable, cost-effective solutions that are…


App Development

We provide end-to-end application design, integration, and administration solutions. Whether it’s a consumer-facing app or a game-changing…


Administration & Program Support

Our consultants and technical staff are always on standby for you. 24/7 administration and program support…


Network Security

Our team protects all underlying networking infrastructure from unauthorized access, misuse, or theft. It involves creating a secure infrastructure…


Systems Maintenance

The driven team at SBC Innovations utilizes both Preventative Maintenance and Corrective Maintenance. We cover your systems…


Other IT Services

SBC Innovations provide other IT solutions you may be in need of. Get in touch with us to learn more about these services and how they can improve your current IT systems.


About Us

SBC Innovations supports organizations regardless of size and industry. We’ve partnered with world-class suppliers and technology to deliver you completely managed business solutions from start to finish. Our robust network, expert resources and cutting-edge technology all work in synergy with one aim -efficiencies across your business, large or small.

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Have What It Takes?

Senior 0356 SME

Brief Synopsis – SBC Innovations is seeking a highly qualified O365 SME to assist clients with Electronic Data Discovery Solutions. The role involves delivering exceptional...

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Core Values

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Our team of highly skilled technologists are devoted to their practice. We have jointly dominated and overcome problems given to us by clients and organizations in several industries across the board. Our resilience to conquer and create solutions is uncontested, we design, test, implement and develop complex solutions. SBC Innovations pushes modern technologies to its limit.